...and the winner is...

On the afternoon of April 12th, we dedicated most of our time to watching videos and listening to podcasts we had created for our positive news project. The subjects covered a wide range, including love, sustainability, AI, food waste, the European Green Deal, and more. In the end, we voted for our top two favorite videos and podcasts. The creators of the winning entries were awarded a prize.

The project explained

What do we mean with "positive news"?

Every time we watch TV or read the press, we are confronted to depressing news. For a change, we would like the students to focus on positive and feel-good initiatives carried out by people or organizations, whether famous or anonymous. The positive news could deal with what’s going right with the environment (namely the objective of the European Green Deal), peace in the world, scientific innovations, gender issues, racism, education and so on and so forth.

Students of Liceo Statale Rinaldo Corso and Lycée du Kerneuzec have done research individually to find different positive initiatives you would like to highlight. These initiatives could be on a local, national or/and international scale. During the Italian week the different teams have worked and found common ground for a podcast, a video or a newsreport to broadcast the positive initiatives they have decided to highlight.

Students have been actors of their own podcasts or videos: they have been journalists, activists, ordinary citizens, companies or town representatives; they have written the script, performed and shot the different scenes that they had imagined.

In between the mobilities they have edited their output. And today they have presented - at last - their work to their mates, who have voted for their top 4 positive news/initiatives.

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